Monday, December 10, 2012

Freckles be Gone! Week 5


This is my 5th week of using Dermactin-TS to help remove mt freckles and hyperpigmentation.  You can read my intital review of Dermactin-TS Here.  This is the first week I actually think I can see some results:
But also I wonder if it's the color temperature of the picture - I had to use the flash because it was very gray out.  Well I think I'm going move onto a new product next week, I picked up Topiclear Skin Lightening Cream at Sally's Beauty Supply.

I also am having a big giveaway - check it out Here!



  1. Do you think your freckles are from the sun or are they natural? I have some big ones on my face and wonder if they're sun damage.

    1. They are definetly from the sun, I did't have them whe I was younger. I wasn't as careful with SPF on my face whe I was in my early 20's and lived in Seattle. Now most people think "but Seattle is rainy and cloudy" - true, which means the UVA rays get caught and you actually get worse exposure. And now in my 30's I freckle like crazy at the slightest hint of sun because I think my skin is damaged. :(
