I took a bit of a break from the blog during the holidays and I thought a bit about all the things I enjoyed this year. I love to read lists of people's favorites so you are forced to read mine!
Django Unchained - I know it came out late 2012- but I didn't see it until 2013!

I am not usually that big of a Quentin Tarantino fan but this movie was so interesting, and an amazing story.
That's pretty much it - I saw Anchorman 2 and it was funny but not a cinematic masterpiece per se.
"Girls" (again not totally new - but I just started watching it in 2013.
"Orange is the New Black" - Did you know this was based on real events? Way to go Netflix for creating excellent TV!
"Derek" - again with Netflix original series - I pretty much love anything Ricky Gervais does anyway, but this is touching, funny and so thoughtful.
Books -
I plan on doing a video on how I rate books - because I think it's a bit different than most people. So here are a few I really liked this year.
"A Tale for the Time Being"

Really original and unexpected bits.
"The Painted Girls"

I like historical fiction and with this you can look at the art as you read the story and it gives it an interesting perspective.
"How to be a Woman"

I don't agree with everything, but that's what I like - it makes you think!
"Gone Girl"

This was by far my favorite - there's just so much drama between the 2 main characters that define the term "there is a thin line between love and hate".
Makeup -
For $10 bucks a month I am ALWAYS pleasantly surprised. Such a fun treat each month.
Sonia Kashuk Cream Bronzer -

Bronzers for pale girls are hard to find - here's the review Sonia Kashuk Bronzer
Boots No 7 Cleansing Water
$7.49 of pure goodness (available at Target, Ulta, Drugstore.com)
I hope to find more wonderful things in 2014!
I wish you all a Happy New Year!